Diablo 3 ultimate evil edition ps4 gameplay
Diablo 3 ultimate evil edition ps4 gameplay

Last-gen consoles had to make visual sacrifices to run Diablo 3's more heated battles at a respectable frame rate, but on PS4 and Xbox One, no concessions are necessary. That well-tuned cycle of violence, profit, and growth is easier on the eyes than ever here too. Starting a new character from scratch really highlighted how much Blizzard has changed for the better.

diablo 3 ultimate evil edition ps4 gameplay

I can still remember leveling my first character In vanilla Diablo 3 to 60 without crafting a single thing, or even making very many decisions. A regular stream of upgrades and legendary items means that even over the course of a short, 1-hour play-session, you'll often see your avatar make tangible progress, and by your 200th hour in the endless, infectiously rewarding adventure mode, you'll still be finding ways to eke out ever more power from your character. Ultimate Evil's excellent analog stick controls, deep bestiary, and varied character classes make that hunt enjoyable both in the short term, and the long haul.

diablo 3 ultimate evil edition ps4 gameplay

Diablo 3 is about killing things, all the things, whether alive, undead or inanimate, and seeing what sweet new piece of gear drops so you can kill more, bigger things. If you're a new player, and you don't already know what's in store, just ignore the cheesy story.

Diablo 3 ultimate evil edition ps4 gameplay